ASSE - Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering
ASSE - Simposio Argentino de Ingeniería de Software

ASSE is an annual event that brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas, problems and experiences in the wide field of Software Engineering. ASSE seeks original works in the wide spectrum of Software Engineering, from academic research to industrial and business applications with significant impact and lessons learned from application development.
This year ASSE will be held at Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero - Sede Posgrado, during September 4-8, 2023, at Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero - Sede Posgrado,and will be co-organized by SADIO-UNTREF. It will be part of JAIIO (Argentine Conference on Informatics), one of the most relevant conferences in South America, organized by SADIO (Argentine Society of Informatics and Operations Research) since 1961, with the participation of professionals from industry and academia.
Important dates: (same dates as JAIIO)
The dates are published in: ../fechas_importantes

Topics of Interest
We encourage submissions relating to all aspects of Software Engineering, especially on topics of emerging interest. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Agile Methods and Practices
- Cloud-based Systems and Software
- Development Paradigms and Software Processes and Methods
- Distributed Software Systems and Middleware
- Engineering of Intelligent systems and Machine Learning
- Formal Methods
- Model Driven Software Engineering
- Object Oriented, Component-based, Aspect-oriented, Service-oriented Software Engineering
- Open Standards and Certification
- Patterns and Frameworks
- Pervasive, Mobile and Embedded Systems
- Program Comprehension and Visualization
- Requirements Engineering
- Reverse Engineering, Refactoring, and Evolution
- Static and/or Dynamic Program analysis
- Software Architecture and Design
- Software Configuration and Deployment
- Software Delivery and DevOps
- Collaboration and human aspects of Software Engineering
- Software Engineering Education and Training
- Software Metrics & Quality Assurance
- Software Product Lines
- Software Project Management
- Software Specification
- Tools and Environments
- Verification, Validation and Testing
- Web Engineering

Submissions are invited in the following track categories:

- Research papers (Full paper): 14 pages maximum length, including references and appendices.


- Experience reports (Short paper): 6 pages maximum length, including references and appendices.

- Oral communications: 1-page extended abstracts of results recently published in top software engineering conferences or journals. 

For research papers we invite submissions describing original research results, case studies, or empirical studies. In this edition, we are especially interested in technical contributions that also provide evidence of actual implementation. Research papers must be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. They will be reviewed by ASSE’s Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the SADIO Proceedings of the JAIIO. Best papers will be invited for publication in the Electronic Journal of SADIO.

For experience reports we invite submissions describing real life experiences and lessons learned. We are especially interested in technical contributions that also provide rich context for interpretation and applicability guidelines. Experience report papers must be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. They will be reviewed by ASSE’s Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the SADIO Proceedings of the JAIIO. Best papers will be invited for publication in the Electronic Journal of SADIO.

For oral communications, we seek contributions discussing solid, recently published (from 2020 to 2022) research results. We ask prospective contributors to submit a 1-page extended abstract describing the problem statement, motivation, research hypothesis and validation, as well as publication information (venue, date, and link to the original publication). Since these contributions will be associated with already published works, they will not be reviewed with respect to technical content. Acceptance of oral communication submissions will be based on pertinence to the scope of ASSE, and may be subject to constraints in the length of the Conference’s schedule and topic diversity. 

Submission Guidelines
Paper authors must submit their contributions in PDF, adhering to Springer’s LNCS format and respecting the above-stated constraints (up to 14 pages for research papers, 1 page for oral communications). Submissions must include the authors’ names and affiliations. Papers should also include up to 5 keywords and an abstract of 70-150 words.

Papers should be submitted according to guidelines published in (../envio). 

- Germán Regis (Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto)
- Diego Fontdevila (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero | Grupo Esfera)
- Marisa Panizzi (UnaHur)


Committee (preliminar)
Fernando Asteasuain, Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda (Argentina)
Hernán Astudillo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile)
Nazareno Aguirre, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto - CONICET (Argentina)
Verónica Bollati, UTN-Facultad Regional Resistencia, CONICET (Argentina)
María Julia Blas, CONICET-UTN-INGAR (Argentina)
Marcelo Campo, NICE Research Nucleous -  CONICET - UNICEN (Argentina)
Alejandra Cechich, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)
Pedro D'Argenio, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - CONICET  (Argentina)
Renzo Degiovanni, SnT University of Luxembourg (Luxemburgo)
Andrea Delgado, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Ramiro Demasi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - CONICET  (Argentina) 
Andrés Díaz Pace, UNICEN – ISISTAN CONICET (Argentina)
Marcelo Frías, Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires ITBA - CONICET (Argentina)
Diego Garbervetsky, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Alejandra Garrido, Universidad de La Plata y CONICET (Argentina)
Silvio Gonnet, INGAR-CONICET | UTN FR Santa Fe (Argentina)
Carlos López Pombo, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (Argentina)
Luis Olsina, UN La Pampa (Argentina)
Claudia Pons (Universidad Nacional de La Plata | CIC-PBA |UAI)
Pablo Villarreal, UTN - Facultad Regional Santa Fe (Argentina)
Alejandro Zunino, UNICEN (Argentina)

Twitter: @sadio_oficial | @jaiio_oficial